Skin Blog

Will Skin Cancer Become An Epidemic Among People Of Color?

sunscreen heartThe US Census Bureau projects that people with some shade or extra pigmentation will account for approximately 50 percent of the U.S. population by the year 2050. Blame it on their genetic make up but this group, which includes Asians, Latinos, African Americans, and other ethnicities, are more prone to certain skin conditions including skin cancer.

Shocking Skin Cancer Statistics                                       

Who would have thought Caucasians would have a 91% survival rate against skin cancer compared to African Americans whose survival rate is only 77%?

Yet this is pale in comparison to the more disturbing findings from the American Medical Association where among 41,072 of Melanoma cases observed in Florida, 26% were African-Americans, 18% Hispanics and 12% Caucasians.

In a research supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute, findings revealed that “Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed skin cancer in Blacks and the second most common skin cancer in Caucasians, Asians, and Hispanics while Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common skin cancer in Hispanics and Asians. Melanoma is the third and most deadly form of skin cancer in all racial groups. “

Cases of Invasive Melanoma among Hispanics in California have dramatically increased to 1.8% per year since 1988, with greater occurrence among Hispanic males according to the research.

This is supported by a different study headed by Robert A. Weiss, MD. president of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), where he noted that skin cancer cases are rapidly growing prevalent in young adults aged 20 to 29 and even people of color with the darkest hair and skin and not even prone to sunburn are at higher risk for skin cancer. Could tanning beds be the culprit behind this incident as experts claim?

Education on Prevention

Maybe it’s that ill-conceived notion of immunity against skin cancer or the lack of proper education on sun protection, whatever the reason that’s causing the confusion is causing many Rich Complexions, their lives.

Skin cancer among Rich Complexions is deadlier because of the late diagnosis brought about by lack of motivation to even prevent skin cancer.  Based on the survey done by the same panel, more than half of the Rich Complexions population never felt even the slightest need of protecting their skin against the UV rays from the sun.

Less than ¼ of the population have actually gone to a dermatologist for a check-up concerning skin cancer and almost 70% have never worn sunscreen and don’t intend to.

Now is the perfect time to advocate sun protection for Rich Complexions. Melanoma is definitely treatable if caught early. A twice or thrice a year visit to a dermatologist to check for moles, lesions or scars can save a life, especially for Rich Complexions where the signs of skin cancer are not clearly visible.

Safer Sunscreen Ingredients for Rich Complexions

To combat the skin issues of Rich Complexions and prevent the possibility of skin cancer, people of color should always wear the right type of sunscreen, or one that can be used safely and effectively, daily.

Keep in mind that what’s in the sunscreen is just as important as what is not in it.  A good product should have hydrators, vitamins, botanicals and antioxidants to nourish, repair and safely strengthen the skin. Be careful to avoid dye, fragrance, lanolin and propylene glycol as these ingredients are potential irritants and may do more harm than good.

Skin Cancer To Rank Among Obesity and Diabetes

Compared with other ethnic groups, 35% of African American children and 40% of Latino children are suffering from obesity compared with 29% of Caucasians. The chances of a Latino and an African American becoming obese are surprisingly higher than other white races.

Obesity, along with diabetes has become an epidemic that is spawned by the lack of prevention, specifically education and motivation along with other genetic and environmental factors. That leaves Rich Complexions with another potential dilemma, how long will the misconception of immunity go on?

The answer can possibly prevent skin cancer cases from turning into a full blown epidemic.

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