Skin Blog

When the Sun Becomes Your Enemy

sunWhat you don’t know can hurt you and that goes for what you can’t see either. For Rich Complexions, that makes the different energy wavelengths emitted by the sun deadly to a reasonable extent, particularly Ultraviolet rays (UV).

In the broad spectrum of wavelengths, ultraviolet radiation is one of the shortest and highest capacitive energy rays. No doubt, its benefits to the body can be life-invigorating. The UVB rays are responsible in triggering the production of Vitamin D in the body, even killing many forms of germs and bacteria but over indulging in it leads to sun burn for most skin types and it can get worse.

Unquestionably, advocates and scientists alike are one in concluding that over exposure to UV rays, especially outdoors leads to weaker immune system, premature skin aging, eye problems and skin cancer.

The stratospheric layer of the earth’s ozone is the ultimate defense of the planet against the burning UV rays of the sun. For billions of years, it has become a perfect protective shield yet these past few years, that barrier is downgrading its perfection in protection.

Understanding the dangers of UV rays is just part of the game plan, the other half is knowing about the enemy, when and where it can best strike.

If sun exposure is unavoidable for you at least know when you’ll best protect yourself. UV rays hitting us vary in not just types but in strength too. Know the following factors and minimize your risk of overexposure from UV radiation, you know deep down, it matters.

The Thinning Stratosphere
It is crucial to understand that the ozone layer today is not the same ozone layer from your grandmother’s time. Many factors have contributed to the degradation of the Stratosphere, the layer that filters the UVB and UVA rays which means they are stronger now than at least 3 years ago.

Differences in Latitudes
You don’t have to master geography to know that the sun’s rays are hottest in the area near the equator where the UV rays are nearest from the sun which explains why tropical countries are near the equator and countries in higher latitudes as Alaska are cooler.

Differences in Altitudes
The higher the altitude, the stronger the UV rays because the air is thinner and the lesser the atmosphere the lesser the UV rays can be absorbed. Try skiing in the mountain during winter; don’t be surprised to get sun burned.

The worst time is in the afternoon; between 10:00am to 3:00 pm you’ll notice that it is hotter than any time of the day. That’s because UV rays are greatest at this time when the sun is most high in the sky unlike in the morning and the afternoon.

The Season
It is common knowledge that summer is the season of the sun particularly the months of May to August in the US but winter packs a lot of UV rays too! They can be reflected through the snow and that 90% of UV rays cannot be taken lightly.

If you are heading to the hot battle field you need to be armed, be mindful of your clothing, always seek the shade, protect your eyes and most especially your skin so don’t ignore your Daily Hydrating Sunscreen. Packing the punch with a photostabilized SPF 30, a load of gentle hydrators and antioxidants, the benefits go beyond a sun protection for Rich Complexion. With the right sun care, this is one battle against the sun, you can definitely win.


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