Skin Blog

Shedding Light on Sunscreens – A Key to Beautiful Skin

EXTRASHADE SunscreenAccording to a doctor who specializes in skincare and aesthetic processes, he is constantly surprised that so many individuals who care about their appearances dismiss what can be the finest and least expensive path to beautiful, youthful skin: using an effective sunscreen. Folks think of sunscreen as something that protects against skin cancer and prevents burning, not as a beauty aid. Photo damage also provides the skin a sallow color with irregular texture and tone. Actually, the sagging skin and blotchy pigmentation we associate with aging is mainly due to unprotected exposure to the sun. So if you care about the look of your skin, sunscreen ought to be a part of your skincare regimen. But you first must understand some basics about solar rays, types of sunscreens and even the way to apply these lotions and creams properly.

Shielding against UVA and UVB rays

That “healthy tan” so many people strive for is the by product of the harmful impacts of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation on our skin. Ultraviolet radiation includes UVA and UVB light. Both forms can cause skin damage, including skin cancer. Skin cancer now accounts for half of all cancers in the USA. And the more fair your skin, the larger the hazard of skin cancer. The great news is the right kind of sunscreen can protect you from this damage.

Sunscreens and SPF

The SPF (Sun Protection Factor) – the number on the sunscreen label – is an important factor in choosing a sunscreen. The SPF represents the degree of protection each product supplies. An SPF of 15 will block out 93% of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. Consider this – an SPF of 15 – the minimum for any sunscreen you use. And in case your skin is more sun sensitive than typical – for example, if you’re fair skinned, with reddish hair and blue eyes – An SPF of 30 is recommended.

Chemical and Physical Sunscreens

Sunscreens come in two basic varieties: compound sunscreens and physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens absorb UV radiation and convert it to heat. Physical sunscreens, on the flip side, reflect UV radiation, as well as convert it to heat. Traditionally, physical sunscreens are opaque. Perhaps you remember the chalky, white substance lifeguards used to slather on their noses. Some individuals avoid using them because they do not like appearing as if they had been daubed with war paint. On black skin, physical sunscreens are very noticeable. So if you have darker skin, want maximum protection and a great looking appearance, a uniquely formulated chemical sunscreen is best.

Applying Sunscreen Properly

It’s possible for you to select a good sunscreen with the correct selection of protection and a high SPF, but should you not apply it properly it won’t protect you! Proper use is quite straightforward: Apply an even quantity liberally as necessary to fully cover all open places. It may be essential to use every 2 hours especially when performing actions that result in sweating or entail water sports. These activities also demand the usage of a sunscreen which is water resistant. Typically, an oil based formula is utilized for this particular function as it is not as inclined to wash off. Regardless, regular use is the rule instead of the exception particularly for lengthy sunlight exposure.

Finishing Touches

There is a striking difference in the skin of people who do and do not consistently use effective sunscreens. That’s why it’s necessary for everyone to take these three simple things to do in order to better skin and health. Learn about sunscreens, use them frequently, and apply properly.


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