Skin Blog

Finding an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle?

By Lakiera Thompson

EXTRASHADE FitnessWe all want to be healthy and fit, especially with the new year coming up! Are you struggling to find the perfect exercise routine for you? Not everyone likes going to the gym doing cardio or moving slowly while deep breathing, it’s all about what’s comfortable for you. Here are some tips on how you can put together an exercise routine that would be just right for your lifestyle!

Weight Loss
To lose weight it’s best to incorporate cardiovascular exercises into your routine. These exercises can include running,swimming, or even walking. When losing weight, it’s all about burning calories,so be sure to eat plenty of healthy meals and snacks to fuel your body with energy.

Weight Gain
Most people who’s trying to gain weight should get their nutritional diet right first by adding more calories. Once nutrition isn’t a problem, building muscle should be a part of your exercise regimen. You will already be adding extra fat to your body from increased calorie intake, so finding exercises that will tone your body will help you shape up those extra pounds.

Stress and Anxiety
No you do not have to be a serious yogi to do yoga! If you’re dealing with stress and anxiety daily, some yoga exercises may provide great relief for you. While focusing on your body and breath, these exercises will release physical tension in your body.

Looking to enjoy your time while exercising
Want to spice up your exercise routine? Dance! Not only will you be having fun but you’ll also be stretching your body and getting a great cardio workout!

Not into too much extreme movement?

If you’re older in age or can’t participate in too many vigorous exercise movements, cleaning up, gardening, and soft stretching would be great for you! You can also do exercises in your bed such as leg lifts and sit ups.
Add exercise into a busy lifestyle
Maybe you’re to busy to take an hour out of your day just for exercise alone. Don’t worry, there are ways you can add exercise into your busy life, like taking the stairs when at work or walking while on your lunch break.

No matter what’s your lifestyle, there are plenty of ways to incorporate exercise into your life to stay healthy and fit!

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